SynApps Case Study & Veolity: University College London Hospital praises AI-boosted lung screening and streamlined workflow

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide, yet it is notoriously challenging to spot early enough to enable positive treatment outcomes.

This is prompting new approaches to disease detection, harnessing advanced technology including artificial intelligence and machine learning, and University College London Hospital (UCLH) is a pioneer here. The goal is not only to detect the disease much earlier, improving patient outcomes, but also to help overstretched radiologists manage soaring workloads.

Dr Arjun Nair, a Consultant Radiologist specialising in cardiothoracic imaging at UCLH, has been using an AI-powered lung screening solution since 2017 – initially within a research environment and then as part of NHS England’s National Lung Screening programme.

The full case study from SynApps Solutions is available for download here.